Sunday, March 19, 2023

A Critique Essay of Terry Brown's Article


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Terry Brown's "Are We Too Dependent on Technology"?

    The article I have chosen to critique is Terry Brown's article titled "Are We Too Dependent on Technology". Terry Brown is an experienced product management and marketing professional that worked for technology based companies for over 30 years. It is a well-made article with lots of references and good article overall. This is my critique about the article and what made it good for me.

The content

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    The thing I liked about the article is that he used the mixture of facts and logic and personal opinion about the topic. By providing facts and logic, he solidified his argument and stance about a specific sub-topic. One example is in the sub-topic "Are There Business Costs of Being Too Dependent on Technology?" where he provided a statistical data after giving his argument. This made his argument stronger and it made a lot of sense as to why he thinks that way in that sub-topic. The same can be said with the other sub-topics. He gives his argument first and reference a study later. The reason I liked that he used his personal opinion in the argument is because the article became so much relatable. By giving his own personal experiences or the things he observed, the article became timely and friendly to readers because they can relate. Obviously, just giving your own personal experiences is not always credible since, everyone have their own experiences and that is where the references will come into play. Terry Brown's article made good use of these things and that is what made his article enjoyable and convincing.


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    In conclusion, I do not think that Terry Brown's article made an argument that I disagree with. By using both facts and opinions, he made a convincing article that makes a lot of sense. It was a really good article and I like it a lot objectively as well as, subjectively. If you want to read his article, click this. I highly recommend that you read it if you have the time. It is informative and it is an eye opener especially for people that you think is always relying on technology.


Brown, T. (March 2020)Are We Too Dependent on Technology? | IT Chronicles | retrieved from:

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